Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day

How about this for a great son-in-law: Rodney organized a Mother's Day Family Road Trip that included his mother, his mother-in-law (me), his wife (my daughter Kelly), his sister, his brother, and his two sons (my grandchildren).
We all went to church in St. Joseph with his mother (and four of her siblings) where we filled up two pews. Then we piled into a big van and took a backroad scenic tour of Northwest Missouri country side.

Rodney's dad grew up in the Martinsville, MO area near Bethany and Rodney also spent time there as a child. The Eisenbarger family owned land in Martinsville, including space in the small cemetery there. Kelly and Rodney decided some time ago to purchase plots alongside the past generations of his family. So, the destination of the Mother's Day Family Road Trip was the cemetery.

On the way, we stopped for lunch at Toot-Toot's in Bethany. Oh, yum! The restaurant features an all-you-can-eat buffet with extensive salad bar and home made desserts. Did I say...Oh, yum? Oh, yes.

Rodney and Kelly started the day at 1:30 am, leaving Lake Pomme de Terre in southern Missouri and driving to Lawrence, KS. They picked up Andrew and his girl friend Ali, Adam and Rodney's brother Robert and sister Rhonda in Kansas then drove to St. Joseph where they were at my door by 9:30 so we could meet his mother at church.

Rodney drove from one end of Missouri to the other today (about 16 hours in all) to bring about this Mother's Day Family Road Trip. How's that for a great son-in-law?

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